What’s the weather like today? 


Ms. Wilbor’s 1st Grade Class

In order to practice observing, measuring, and communicating weather data in order to see patterns in weather and climate, Ms. Wilbor’s class created a weather journal, in which temperatures and other observations were recorded by the students over a two week period.  After a trip outside to see what the weather looked and felt like that day (as well as to measure the temperature with a real thermometer), students recorded their findings on their daily weather journal page.  Students also created illustrations to represent the day’s weather and discussed their observations with each other.  One might ask, what is the point of observing weather that has already occurred?  Well, as Ms. Wilbor’s class discovered, recording and observing patterns in weather allows students to learn more about the ways in which weather “happens.” Furthermore, scientists and meteorologists often compare weather data from various years in order to determine patterns and record temperatures.  Observing the weather can be fun too! Ms. Wilbor’s class enjoyed various activities such as weather dress-up, and students will soon be learning to make rain gauges and wind streamers! 
